Testing the Model of Success Experience in Converting Into Islamic Banks in Libya Structural Equation Modeling
Marai.A.D.Abdalla, Muhammad Ridhwan. Aziz, Fuadah. Johari

The current study aims to test the validity and success of the Libyan model in converting the traditional banks into Islamic banks and the factors affecting such experience. The model of the study consists of four external factors as the independent variables (the availability of the qualified human resources in Islamic banks, the availability of the Islamic capital market, the employees’ willingness to convert into Islamic banks and the success of the Islamic banking experience) and the internal factor as the dependent variable (the success of the experience in converting into Islamic banks inlibya). To achieve the research aim, quantitative approach has been employed for data collection. Structural equation modeling (SEM) technique was carried out by Amos software to test the validity of the research model. The results obtained in the study showed that all the tested factors had positive effect on the experience of converting into Islamic banks in Libya. The four factors explained 74% of this impact. Among these factors, the qualified human resources showed the greatest impact (55%), which was followed by the success of the Islamic banking experience (41%), while the availability of the Islamic capital market and the employees’ willingness to convert into Islamic banks had the lowest impact (31% and 28%), respectively.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/jibf.v3n2a4